Alvin Fan:So OPIM is part of a large group called Oriental Patron Financial Group, which has 25-year history in Hong Kong, helping Chinese companies access offshore markets. So OPIM is the latest asset management platform built out of this mission. Before we were helping smaller companies access capital markets in Hong Kong, now we are helping Chinese and Asian hedge funds access capital offshore globally. So the very purpose is to help look for the next national champion, look for the next great investment manager and present them to the world.
Alvin Fan:So in terms of presents for one, we are the leading one, the leading platform in Hong Kong right now. We’ve been the best platform in Asia for 2 years right now, and a big part of that is because of our single mind focus and complete intense leisure focus to running a hedge fund platform. We are not a bloker attending to the platform, we are asset manager, and this is important for investors because we speak the same language. And a big part of what we do is helping emerging managers from China and rest of Asia, translate their investment of process from local language into an institutional language. This sort of motivation and this mechnaism is really made difference in helping managers giving presents of market.
The second thing, of course is we are a Chinese company in culture, we are a Hong Kong company in establishment, so this really helps us bridge the best of both worlds: the great talent in China combine with access to global capital.
Alvin Fan:Yeah, it’s just going to continue. If you look at the last two years, the number of applicants for the type 9 license in Hong Kong has grown double deged. A large percentage of that are from mainland Chinese asset managers looking to register in Hong Kong. It becomes problem pointing where there is now a waiting list which has extended the process in some cases over a year. This is particular difficult for managers to looking to launch product because very seldom do you have view the market when you old, and launching your product at a time when you have the ability is very very critical to the success of the product. The first few years of tropic is absolutely vital to the success. So if you end up launching, let’s say there is delay, you end up launching late in the market, you may end up either launching at the peak or join the time where the liquidity is not really favorable; you may end up really hurting your capital reason efforts and for first couple of years, and we scene listen in some of the early adopters come at Hong Kong.
Alvin Fan:Now the long term trend for type 9 registration is just to go up partly because of the desire for investors in China to come offshore, and also the desire for, or demand of global investors for Chinese products. Now with capital controls, they can access China directly unless carefully. So the only way they can access is to practice out Hong Kong. And where the regulation and the rough law is well established. And so with that trust there, investors, their first core is going to be in Hong Kong, looking for great managers. It’s really up to both sides to bridge that camp, from the investors to make the effort to come out of Asia, and then for the managers in China to come out of Hong Kong, and build a structure that is portable and attractive for them, and this is OPIM is trying to do, or try to help them to build the store shop, to build the business side, or they just focus on the trading and we help them to build up the business.
Alvin Fan:It really depends on, I mean we look at managers from almost any different backgrounds. Financial background is obviously gonna to be the most natural, but then you have sell-side versus buy-side background. The sell-side background typically finds management a little bit more challenging because many of them have not the experience of running the portfolio, and have not practiced running a portfolio where as buy-side inherently has this skill. In both cases you have great research, great research on the buy-side and great research on the sell-side. But making that transition over from sell-side to buy-side, it can be quite challenging. A big part of that is because managers who are on the sell-side are used to being in the flow, meaning that they can see where the market is moving, and they turn to give a higher attribution to their talent when they are making money for clients, when in fact a lot of these because they have access to the information. Once you put them into the buy-side, it’s a little bit more vacuum, and you need to rely more on your research skills, more on you investment process, and that can be challenging.
Alvin Fan:We also look at managers who come from non-financial backgrounds. We see for guys engineers, who are computer specialist mac engineer, we’ve looked as poker players, who have apply the same view of their game or their own industry applied to the markets and seem to work very well. The principles of many of these disciplines are actually quite similar, so it’s not surprising, and this is at all unusual. In the stage we have great managers like as all who used to be a poker player has focus lots of his attention on the casinos and his early days use those skills sets to be a great investment manager. So we are quite nostique. The most important thing of course is attitude, the most important thing is willingness to learn, to grow, to court your business. Just having a performance is minimum acquirement. It’s not an exception to marketing, or exception to how you build the whole package. Minimum acquirement is, or the performance is the minimum acquirement. From there we can build the business surround, for example, if our to be a great chief, like I can cook a great bowl of noodles, right? Having your friends come over and sharing the noodles is fine, but setting up a shop to sell distribute, to have consistence in product is completely different. You need the team, you need the location, you need someone to count the money at cashier, someone to serve properly, and to build the entire experience around the product. The bowl of noodles is just the minimum requirement, everything else is what we do.